In the beginning God created the earth and proclaimed it was good.
And it was.
The earth was full of life-giving air, water and soil and a myriad of creatures, each unique. God created humankind and they too were unique and full of potential. God ordained that humankind should have dominion over this creation. Earth sustained and nurtured humans and animals alike and provided for all their earthly needs. These human creatures learned and grew and used their God given intellect to create tools and methods to enhance their lives.
But they neglected to follow God’s vision and purpose for creation and they sinned. They also used the earth and its resources to further selfish motives and they gave in to greed, sometimes subtly and other times not so subtly. The earth was not being cared for as God intended.
The story of creation and the life of this great earth is akin to the resurrection story.
God’s People were covenanted to offer love and praise to the creator, to love with full hearts, to walk humbly and to do justice, but their own agendas got in the way and they sinned and betrayed Christ for a bag of the earth’s silver. Christ was crucified and buried. But the story does not end there.
Christ was resurrected and the spirit of Christ lives in this world and its people. The earth needs gentle care and thoughtful action to turn around the misuse, greed and lack of Christ like living that abounds. The earth, full of Easter hope, needs us to live in a renewed covenantal relationship with God and with God’s creation.
written by Donna Dorsch